Google-Google Adsense and Ridiculous Policies
Google, like some ridiculous policies and related to itself monopoly of a search engine by giving him this possibility we're us. But now the company Google Inc. never this possibility at least h-I'm not going to as She has her own ridiculous policies and lack of freedom because of business executives and employees even bothered most of the webmaster. But that's what makes you you if you google webmaster. That's why google in its own manipulative politikar on never disregard. He's the one who's in need of anyone you Google us so we don't have to enter and search Google, google will get ninety percent of revenue comes from search engine. Google offers its customers only for their own interests because of the sanctions applied by both google chrome browser ever again as other plug-ins including araçlarıda mail I will not use any of the webmaster. I'm using Microsoft mobile phone is also very beautiful, moreover search engine gives better results for complex sites directly instead of you can see the content I'm using for years. I swear to you, make you get that you yourself need google close to chrome I removed and thousands of I also give internet explorer mozilla firefox binge pipes really. It doesn't even google cares about you but not thousands of not one but three say when it gets pretty seriously. Bing Webmaster Yandex webmaster really try them if you want to be more successful in already, you would not want you in any case if google other search engines your site name bazlıda is adding content so google taking of sanctions will never ignore and do not make concessions. ...